Ed Cheverton
Nice Things On Nice Tables
英・ブリストル拠点のイラストレーターEd Chevertonのイラスト集。色々な形のテーブルと、そこに置くあらゆるモノが、キュートにステキに描かれた作品。4色リソ印刷。アムステルダムのパブリッシャー<Terry Bleu>から。
We keep nice things on nice tables. It's nice to arrange things together on a table. The things we put on a table live there, it is their home. Without a table the things would be lost. Without things a table is bare.
24 pages, 105 x 145mm
Riso printed 4 colours
inside paper: Arcoprint Milk 120g
cover paper: Metapaper Straw 300g
200 numbered copies, 2021