Record Culture Magazine Issue 10
Record Culture Magazine Issue 10
Record Culture Magazine Issue 10
Record Culture Magazine Issue 10
Record Culture Magazine Issue 10
Record Culture Magazine Issue 10
Record Culture Magazine

Record Culture Magazine Issue 10

Interviews with deep music-related people such as DJs and producers from around the world. Record Culture Magazine is a magazine where you can experience the world of music that is a bit geeky. This time, we'll be featuring legendary DJ Harvey, Sofie who released "Cult Survivor" from <Stones Throw>, Jun Takahashi, Japan's leading fashion designer who works on UNDERCOVER, and a Belgian-based company with exquisite releases such as 80s-90s reissues. Featuring <Stroom> leader Ziggy Devriendt, the legendary Ariel Kalma who explores styles with all instruments such as saxophone, flute, and synthesizer, Brooklyn-based producer Octo Octa, and more. Lots of valuable photo shots and niche information that is hard to find.

Featuring DJ Harvey, Sofie, Jun Takahashi, Ziggy Devriendt, DJ Sundae, Pedro Winter, Ariel Kalma, Octo Octa, Max Essa, Moxie, Pierre Rousseau, CC:DISCO!, and the visual feature, “White Columns Retrospective: 1977–1986 .”

252 pages, Perfect bound, Softcover

Regular price $23.00 $23.00 Unit price per

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