Issue 4: ESCAPE
Issue 4: ESCAPE
Issue 4: ESCAPE
Issue 4: ESCAPE
Issue 4: ESCAPE
Issue 4: ESCAPE
Issue 4: ESCAPE
Issue 4: ESCAPE
Issue 4: ESCAPE
Issue 4: ESCAPE
Superstars Only

Issue 4: ESCAPE

New York-based independent magazine Issue 4 of Superstars Only. In addition to interviews with graphic artist Lexi Langill, who is in charge of designing all the posters and other decorations that appear in Hulu's popular drama PEN15, and Kevin Rezvani, the owner of New York's popular hamburger chain 7th Street Burger, about 20 years ago This is a book full of passion, including interviews with the long-established Metaverse Second Life, which exists from ◎

☆Superstars Only Issue 4: Escape☆
92 pages

Perfect bound

8.5 x 11in

Yuan Lee, Lexi Langill, Princess Demeny, Garrett Sander, Kevin Rezvani, Liana Satenstein, Lanie Durkee, Violet Handforth, and Max Callimanopoulos

Regular price $29.00 $29.00 Unit price per

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