Hamam Magazine Issue Two
Hamam No. 2 pursues healing and liberation in today's hectic world. This time, we will once again focus on bath culture as an important means of relaxation. Starting with a story about the sacred sauna, this time the Japanese tea ceremony is featured prominently. This time, we will be filled with tips for healing, including stories about baths and saunas from around the world.
Our second issue is focused on heat and we think it will be a welcome reading companion this winter. Featuring:
Photography by Ahmet Sel and Rinko Kawauchi
Artwork by Etel Adnan, Pema Rinzin, Maria Guzman Capron
Writing by Ege Okal, Kaya Genç, Mika Soka Haneishi, Naz Cuguoğlu
Poetry by Gary Snyder and Ellen Bass
We also welcome back our bathhouse regulars
Şebnem Şoher, Mikkel Aaland, and Burkay Pasin and continue with the next installment of Banya 94706 by Brian Glubok and illustrated by Cem Dinlenmiş.
27.5 × 21 cm