Zona fantasma
Zona fantasma
Zona fantasma
Zona fantasma
Zona fantasma
Zona fantasma
Zona fantasma
Pepa Prieto Puy

Zona fantasma

スペインのイラストレーターPepa Prieto Puyのコミックが入荷。Décima VíctimaやAviador Dro、Mecanoなど、スペインのバンドをフィーチャー、The CureやPYLONなどのアートワークもチラチラ見える、音楽がテーマの漫画です。パキッと彩度の高い作品。スペイン・サラマンカの<Raum Press>での8色リソグラフ、マドリードの<Anoche Press>による出版。

Zona Fantasma is a visual-musical artifact where the artist lets herself be creatively carried away to the rhythm of the music of the Spanish bands Aviador Dro, Décima Víctima and, Mecano.
Through the song lyrics of these groups, short stories are generated —full of humor, satire, and a nihilistic vision of life— that are intertwined with each other, half fiction, half autobiography, in an exercise of personal self-knowledge.
Her musical culture, with a predilection for the ‘80s, is extensive, as is her visual one. In Zona Fantasma we can find references from animation, cinema, advertising, video clips, album covers and posters.
Zona Fantasma is a narrative exercise of outstanding visual invoice and enormous generosity on the part of the Galician artist who shares her intellectual and emotional concerns with us and, where the need for culture as a refuge in the face of adversity is highlighted.

13,85x19,8 cm, 28pages

通常価格 ¥1,980 ¥1,980 単価 あたり
