Soundscapes as a Journal
Soundscapes as a Journal
Soundscapes as a Journal
Soundscapes as a Journal
Soundscapes as a Journal
Soundscapes as a Journal
Soundscapes as a Journal
As a Journal

Soundscapes as a Journal

リトアニアのカルチャーセンター’Lithuanian Culture Institute’によって年に2回発行されているインディペンデントマガジンAs a Journalの第3号。毎号決まったテーマを軸にした記事を掲載するタイプの雑誌です。今回のテーマはSoundscapes(音風景)ということで、音をアートとして、振動として、空間を作る要素としてなどあらゆる目線で、アーティストやライターなど専門家たちによって書かれた記事を収録◎

The third issue is dedicated to sound: as art; as vibrations in space; and as a constituent component of our experience of the world around us. Guest edited by Damian Lentini, the edition probes sound's ability to shape and generate effects. Soundscapes as a Journal invites leading artists, writers and scholars to investigate sound's ability to shift back and forth across times and spaces; incorporating traditional and contemporary positions, digital and analogue technologies, as well as that which emanates from both organic and inanimate bodies.

26.5 × 21 cm, Softcover, 2022,

通常価格 ¥2,338 販売価格 ¥2,750 単価 あたり
