Belly Full: Caribbean Food In The UK
Belly Full: Caribbean Food In The UK
Riaz Phillips

Belly Full: Caribbean Food In The UK

The islands, known as the Caribbean Islands and the West Indies, are located in the Caribbean Sea between the North and South Americas. There are many islands, including large islands such as Jamaica and Cuba. However, the Caribbean islands tend to be mixed up and lumped together, but each island has a different history, culture, personality, and language. And of course, the food culture too!!! Because of this, the spread of Caribbean food culture was slow, as there were not many active Caribbean restaurants in the UK. The number of restaurants where you can enjoy slow, authentic Caribbean cuisine is increasing, and the owners of these restaurants come from a variety of backgrounds. Introducing Caribbean restaurants in the UK along with their stories! This is a hearty book that not only covers the cuisine, but also goes into the depths of the cuisine. This is a must-see not only for those who want to visit the UK, but also for those who want to experience Caribbean cuisine and culture!! This is a delicious book that gives you a detailed look at the deep multicultural circumstances of other countries that are difficult to delve into.

Published by Tezeta Press, 304 pgs, 26.2 × 20.2 cm, Hardcover, 2020

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